5 Different Locations, Same Great Menu!

Did you know that there are FIVE Ultimate California Pizza restaurants across the Grand Strand? That’s right! Five surfer themed restaurants with a California flavor dotted up and down the coast from Barefoot Landing to Surfside Beach. The Diving Dining Group made a...

A Better Resolution!

The best season of the year is followed by what is frequently known as the most unsuccessful season of the year: “Resolution Season”! There is a reason that so many resolutions fail. So many of these resolutions are weight loss related and require a person to give up...

12 Days of Christmas

There is no denying it now, we are squarely rooted in the middle of the holiday season. We know this can be a very challenging time of year for a lot of people. The general stress of the holidays can be extremely taxing but the extra hustle and bustle the season tends...

Therapy for Your Taste Buds

We all understand that the world we live in today isn’t the same that it was 30 years ago, or even 10 years ago for that matter. The world we live in today is a very fast paced environment that places a premium on efficiency and maximizing your time. Of course for an...

I Love Pizza!

Some people dream of playing on a championship football team, some of winning the Kentucky Derby. Other folks have slightly less lofty goals; they want to drive a specific car, or live in a certain type of house in a certain neighborhood. I dream of different things....